SNA Error – ‘Catastrophic Failure’ – ACCA CBE On-Demand

SNA Error – ‘Catastrophic Failure’


During an exam session the below message is displayed in the information bar on SNA:

‘The following error occurred: “Catastrophic Failure”

A detailed error-report has been saved in the error-log’


An error has occured with SNA communication


Please terminate and re-start SNA.

Before terminating SNA please ensure there are no students ready to select ‘Start Exam’ or exit from an exam. If there are students with an exam in progress their exam will not be affected.

Terminate SNA by right-clicking the SNA icon in the taskbar and selecting Terminate. Please also open Task Manager (CTRL + SHIFT + ESC) and select the Processes tab.

Select the check box at the bottom of the dialog “Show processes from all users” and look for ExamAdminClient.exe. Select any instances present and click End Process.

Restart SNA and select refresh token display. This should resolve the issue and students should be able to log into their exams.

If this does not resolve the issue , please contact the ACCA CBE Team (